
Carpin Manufacturing, Waterbury

A free business checking account designed with your business in mind.

Here’s the bottom line: Being in business is about making money. So why spend it just to manage it? 

At Savings Bank of Danbury, we want you to keep more of your money where it belongs – with you. That’s why our Business Checking accounts are free. No minimum deposit requirements, no per-check fees and no monthly service charges. 

  • All purchases are detailed on your monthly account statement for easy reconciliation
  • Manage your money through Business Online Banking 
  • Includes a Savings Bank of Danbury All-Business Visa® Debit Card so you make purchases anywhere Visa® is accepted
  • Petty cash needs can be reduced or even eliminated by the All-Business Visa® Debit Card
Sweep Accounts

Manage operating capital and earn competitive interest on excess funds.

Get that lazy money to work. This cash management service shifts excess money from your business checking account into an interest-bearing account with competitive yields. 

Set the limit for your checking account balance and any money beyond that threshold automatically transfers to this high-yielding account at the end of the business day.

Create a strategy that ensures you're getting good returns on money you don't need in your checking account

Money can be transferred back into your checking account as needed

Maintain a minimum balance in checking to qualify for a Business Sweep Account 
